It seems obvious, but when you start a company – it really just starts with an idea or concept, then some money, a plan…and you. Just you! The hardest part of starting KC Consulting has been getting everything that was in my head out. How do I get the word out about my company? How do I set myself and my experience apart from my competitors? Where do I source my clients?
One Door Closes…
My first few months as a business consultant were grueling because the phone just wasn’t ringing and I really had to pound the pavement – this was incredibly humbling. When the door got slammed, it was in MY face – not the face of the company I was working for. I kept at it every day, and slowly (very slowly) things started turning around. Do you know why it turned around? I realized after being tucked under the secure and comfortable wing of a large corporation…I was no longer relevant. I worked very hard but never read anything, went anywhere, or spoke to anyone. I did my work and went home (after a 15 hour day).
The Other Opens…
When I realized this, I started devouring news items related to hospitality, consulting, entrepreneurial, tech, you name it, I read it – DAILY! With that one change, things started to move forward for KC Consulting. I came across this article; it is a commentary by David Steinberg about building a billion-dollar company. When I read it, I became inspired. I never thought I would have anything in common with someone who started a company valued at over a billion dollars but, I do…everyone has to begin the same way.
Lessons Learned
I can relate to his experience of growing too quickly. I have personally seen companies I have worked for grow exponentially, ultimately, to die (the biggest lesson from obtaining my MA in Developmental Psychology – but that’s a story for another blog). What sets me apart from all the other consultants – is simply, me. I have to make sure there is enough of me to go around and sometimes, I am running too fast. Eventually realizing it is time to slow down and enlist help. Assistance is invaluable in order to provide the services I have promised, even though it may mean slowing down my own business growth. Difficult, but completely worth it.